Character Whims and Reactions
How does one determine how an NPC reacts in solo play? There are a few systems out there already; but I felt they were all a bit clunky, random, or required some mental gymnastics just to determine if an NPC was happy to meet you or not. Ultimately everyone will have their own style of solo play and how deep they want to dig into the details. I'm adding my own method to the stack for anyone else that it might suit. Abstracting a the intricacies of relationships, personalities and human nature; I've boiled down the input/output factors as follows. Inputs: Character Desire/Whim Disposition Skill Check Result (if any) Output: Reaction Mood/Emotion Desire/Whim This is mainly for context/inspiration. I don't modify my roll results based on this but it gives some insight on why a character may be reacting a certain way. Depending on the scenario it may be very clear what an NPC might want, even if you determine a characters motivation using something like UNE, they may not be act...