
Showing posts from January, 2021

Character Whims and Reactions

How does one determine how an NPC reacts in solo play? There are a few systems out there already; but I felt they were all a bit clunky, random, or required some mental gymnastics just to determine if an NPC was happy to meet you or not. Ultimately everyone will have their own style of solo play and how deep they want to dig into the details. I'm adding my own method to the stack for anyone else that it might suit. Abstracting a the intricacies of relationships, personalities and human nature; I've boiled down the input/output factors as follows. Inputs: Character Desire/Whim Disposition Skill Check Result (if any) Output: Reaction Mood/Emotion Desire/Whim This is mainly for context/inspiration. I don't modify my roll results based on this but it gives some insight on why a character may be reacting a certain way. Depending on the scenario it may be very clear what an NPC might want, even if you determine a characters motivation using something like UNE, they may not be act...

Ryth & Eri Part 2

Picking up where we last left off... Prunt goes to the training yard looking for a khornite that may know something about his farms shrine/idol. He finds two half elves (Ryth and Eri) from the militia in the yard training and if they know where he might find someone. Ryth: Reaction Roll (1d12, no mods): Mislead Mood Roll: Joy I interpret that as just being  mischievous. Ryth just being a little nosy tells Prunt that he may be able to help if Prunt shares what ails him. Eri Reaction Roll (1d12, no mods): Mislead Mood Roll: Sadness  Eri knows Ryth wouldn't have a clue about what Prunt is asking, but plays along anyway... I roll a knowledge test for both half elves to see if they know anything. Ryth - Intelligence:1+Militia:2 : 0 Successes Eri -  Intelligence:1+Bard:2 : 3 Successes Ryth just stares with a blank look on his face. he didn't know such idols existed.  Just as a look of annoyance washes over Prunts face, Eri chimes in as apparently she had heard a rumor...

The Journey Begins. (Ryth & Eri Part 1)

Hi everyone? Is that how blogs start?  I'm the dev/owner of the SRPG-Toolbox . Its a fairly basic tool, out of the box it doesn't really offer much content. I built it to hold all my tables, macros, character sheets and logs and present it in a mobile friendly interface to play Solo RPGs on the go.  This blog will basically be covering my SRPG game. I'm going to assume you know what a solo RPG is, as well as oracles and such. As the title of this blog may suggest, I will not by shying away from ERP and will be messing around with different solo mechanics to play into those scenarios. So where does one start? Some players might tell you that you can just start rolling dice, look up random charts, and interpret oracle results and world build on the fly. I've tried it. Not a fan. Essentially you end up with a character that has no relation to the world they're in and just goes about bashing monsters because that's their only purpose for existing. I recommend pickin...